
Friday, March 09, 2007

Mike Svob meet Eva Carter


Personally I want to know what the connection between Mr. Svob and Patrick Brethour is. Because I can't understand for the life of me why this is news. It happens right here in Canada every day, and nobody cares. I've written about Eva Carter and her problems with Tony Pompa and his website arttocanvas.com before which does the same exact thing as the nasty bad and mean Chinese website chinaoilpaintingwholesale.com. I think as the Globe and Mail is a Canadian publication, they should publish Canadian news before choosing to publish things happening abroad. Sorta like one of my many beefs with the CBC. But as they prefer to go with the foreign one first, then the only thing that makes any sense to me is if Mr. Brethour owes Mr. Svob a favor or two. But then again, there are lots of times when I haven't had any sense what so ever.

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