
Monday, February 19, 2007

Juozas (Joseph) Cernius seems not to know what the truth is


Last week, over on Edward Winkleman's blog, he discussed Richard Prince pretending that his past never existed (One & Two). Then someone tried to make an anonymous comment on one of my old posts about lying on CV's. Which then caused me to check up on Juozas Cernius' website.

Two years ago, I caught him fabricating things on his CV, so he switched the link, and tried to wiggle away. Two years later, I discover that there are even more made up things on his CV. You'd figure that he would have figured out by now that making things up on a CV isn't such a great idea. As of now these are the lines on Juozas (Joseph) Cernius' CV that are fake, wrong, not true, or didn't happen:
  • Lorrie Blair, May 12, 1998: “Blueprints and Pink Slips” Mirror weekly magazine, Montreal
  • Alexandra McIntosh, 2001: Significant detours" Gallery 1320 catalogue, Montreal
  • Matt Killen, 2001: "Painting or just using its language?" Gallery 1320 catalogue, Montreal

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