
Saturday, February 10, 2007

Gerald Ferguson may I introduce you to Chris Lloyd?


In today's Globe & Mail, Gary Michael Dault goes completely over the top in his rave review of not only Gerald Ferguson's new exhibit, but just about every gosh darn thing Mr. Ferguson has done. But what caught my eye in the middle of all the wonderfulness, were these two lines: 1. 'undisputed dean of Canadian conceptual painters.' and 2. 'The current exhibition is made up of a series called Drain Cover Paintings.' And then there's also the fact that he is from Halifax.

Gerald Ferguson, One Drain Covers, 2006, enamel on canvas, 18 x 18, courtesy Wynick/Tuck Gallery
Gerald Ferguson, One Drain Covers
2006, enamel on canvas, 18 x 18, courtesy Wynick/Tuck Gallery

The reason those lines caught my eye was because back in March 2005 I did an interview with a Halifax based conceptual artist who also drew and painted. Of the many different types of art that Chris Lloyd had made, one of the prettier types were rubbings of manhole covers.

One example of the rubbings by Chris Lloyd from 2002 or 2003 or earlier, I'm not sure. Makes you think, huh?

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