
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Piaras Chauvin should demand a recount.


They announced the winners of the manhole design competition in Toronto yesterday. The reason I mention Piaras Chauvin is that I got an email from one of his (or her) parents complaining about the post I had written when they announced the short list. They completely ignored my dig at Daina Augaitus and thought I was making fun of their child. Well I wasn't, and I am still making fun of Ms. Augaitus calling a manhole cover competion a mark of sophistication.

None the less, Piaras Chauvin did not win, and that is why he (or she) should demand a recount. If you are interested these are the three winners.

Xin Xu, for sanitary cover design

Rene Zamic, for water valve cover design

DeMuth Flake, for storm cover design

More sophistication than I have ever seen in one place. Each of the winners get $1,800, congrats and don't go spending it all in one place.

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