
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good digging by Val Ross


I noticed this article by Ms. Ross. where she astutely points out that
But some contributors did not realize the report was out until last week. Released quietly, posted on a website just before Christmas, two months after the document was originally filed to Culture Minister Caroline Di Cocco, and a week after several arts unions demonstrated on Dec. 14 at Queen's Park, the report's low profile has prompted some to fear that it may be shelved.
If I can add my two cents, as there is a broken link on this website leading to the report in question, I would venture a guess that there really ain't nobody who gives a good gosh darn about the report. Which is a pity, because if it did gain some traction, it probably would be easier to convince people that it was yet another waste of taxpayers dollars by government. As it stands now, nobody cares about the report, so it is unlikely that anyone is going to care about the money spent to create it.

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