
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Foote, Cone & Belding belong in Toronto


My guess is that Foote, Cone & Belding want to get as much as they can out of the work that they did for free. As the live with culture website does not mention them at all, it must help that they are prominently featured in all the articles that have come out. Toronto Star one, two and three. Toronto Sun one, two and the Sunshine girl. Globe & Mail, CTV and the in-house article.

Then a couple of points:
  • They talk about $100,000 being spent in the US, and a total ad buy of $150,000. Whatever you think about the ads (and I don't think much about them at all) but $50,000 will go a long way towards helping to support the Montreal Mirror and Hour magazine.
  • Mr.s Foote, Cone & Belding themselves are woefully shortsighted when it comes to culture as well. I'm very glad that it is Toronto's films, the ones that are not seen by anyone in any country, that are compared to those coming from Hollywood.

    Toronto Culture Ad Films seen by no one
  • OK, grudgingly I'll give 'em one. I did not grimace when I saw this one.

    Toronto Culture Ad bad advertisement
Note to self: When hiring an ad company make sure that more than 25% of their ads are good. Even if they work for free.

    Your Ad Here

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