
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Way more important than Nazi looted art


While it is fine and dandy for the National Gallery and every other museum and museum-like organization in this fine country of ours to spend money, time and other precious resources doing provenance research on the objects in their collections that were created before 1946 and that were acquired after 1932, that underwent a change of ownership between 1932 and 1946, and that were or might reasonably be thought to have been in continental Europe between those dates. So that they can then remove them from the public and make some other people wealthy.

I would actually like to see the National Gallery and every other museum and museum-like organization in this fine country of ours to spend money, time and all the other resources they can amass doing provenance research into the aboriginal art that they own. It is far more likely, and hundreds of times more important that situations like this one be proactively avoided, rather than relying on anonymous phone calls to band councils.

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