
Friday, July 28, 2006

Me 'n' Dick Pound


For those of you who have seen this film, all the way to the end, or have spoken with me in person know that me and Dick Pound don't see eye-to-eye. Apologies for this being a non-visual art related post, but it got my gums in an uproar. In today's New York Times there is an article that explains in detail what Floyd Landis is being accused of. Apparently WADA thinks that Mr. Landis' ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone was more than four to one. There are a couple of problems with that accusation.
  1. A four to one ratio is not abnormal.
  2. No one has shown that Testosterone helps in any way shape or means.
  3. WADA cannot guarantee that the sample (or samples) were not tampered with.
  4. The headlines were written before the 'B' sample was tested.
Mr. Pound is the chairman of the organization that is doing the accusing, without him there are no accusations.

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