Stuff Seen - Patrick Le Blanc
It has been way too long, I have 33 other artists that are backlogged. Back in March, March! we went to see M. Le Blanc's work. It was at Wilder and Davis, about which I have previously written.
The space itself is wonderful, and any show there would get at least a C, even if I were blind. That being said M. Le Blanc's drawings are nice, nothing groundbreaking, pretty, and all right. In his press release he makes mention of some serious 25ยข words. I don't get why he needs them, they are perfect for that children's story that you haven't quite gotten around to reading yet.

It has been way too long, I have 33 other artists that are backlogged. Back in March, March! we went to see M. Le Blanc's work. It was at Wilder and Davis, about which I have previously written.
The space itself is wonderful, and any show there would get at least a C, even if I were blind. That being said M. Le Blanc's drawings are nice, nothing groundbreaking, pretty, and all right. In his press release he makes mention of some serious 25ยข words. I don't get why he needs them, they are perfect for that children's story that you haven't quite gotten around to reading yet.

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