
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Guy Dixon of the Globe & Mail is wrong


With the dirt barely settled on Ken Thomson 's coffin, Mr. Dixon writes an useless article that suggests that the Canadian Art market will decline because of Mr. Thomson's death. He gets quotes from Sotheby's, and Ritchies that contradict his point, and can only find the Westbridge Fine Art Auction House who will back his claim, similar to asking the guy at the used car lot, how much a Jaguar "E' series is worth.

[update June 29: I got an email from Mr. Dixon, in it he wrote, "A misguided trip through the paper's copy desk resulted in a nonsensical half-sentence getting added by an editor. In fact, the change contradicted what I originally wrote, if not the rest of the article. I should have been consulted, but wasn't. Under tight deadline pressure, that kind of thing can happen." I'd like to thank him for writing to clarify things.]

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