
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Blogging on the AGO


According to Technorati there have been 14 posts in the last 6 days that reference the Art Gallery of Ontario. I'm not certain how or why I discovered it, but I discovered the AGO's blog, which then led me to this post about how they were inviting Toronto Bloggers to a press conference, which then led to this list:
Gehry live from the Art Gallery of Ontario
gehry models
Art Matters to Eldon
Starchitect Landing
Interviewing Frank Gehry
Frank Gehry at the AGO
FRANK GEHRY: Art + Architecture, a photo review (plus 1, 2, 3, 4)
Gearing Up For Gehry
Gehry Art + Architecture Exhibit (and the "live" blogging - oooh! Cool!)

I hope the AGO got what it paid for, and I guess tomorrow I'm going to have to check up on the Musée des Beaux Arts.

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