
Monday, November 28, 2005

Marc Lanctot should read a little


Last week I discovered that AGAC had a brand spanking new website, I said "cool!" And then I noticed that they had posted their rules and regulations on the website, too. I said "wicked cool!"

So I went and read 'em. For those of you new to this, there is a rather long history between myself and Marc Lanctot. It started here, when he wrote a letter to the Montreal Mirror stating that Zeke's Gallery was not an art gallery.

The latest incarnation of his elitist and snobbish ideas can be heard here [fast forward to 29:38 or -19:21] where he tries to make the point that artists should not exhibit in "non-gallery" spaces. And if they do, then they should erase the exhibit off of their CV as quickly as possible.

If you read the rules and regulations of the Association des Galeries d'Art Contemporain (Montreal), it clearly states "Au sens des règlements de l’Association, une galerie est toute personne physique ou morale qui exerce les responsabilités morales et financières de promotion sous toutes ses formes et de vente de l’art contemporain et en assure la diffusion et qui a acquitté sa cotisation annuelle. Une galerie d’art contemporain doit avoir un local commercial permanent ou temporaire, doit être ouverte au public, doit représenter des artistes et exposer leurs oeuvres dans le but de les vendre." [Or if you would like it in my attempt at plain language - A gallery is a company which promotes, markets and finances the sales, and assures the exhibition of contemporary art in all its forms annually. An art gallery can be in a permanent location or a temporary location and it needs to represent artists while exhibiting their work towards a stated goal of selling the art. - yeah I'm not happy with the translation either, but they haven't quite figured out how to get an English version on their website, yet.] A little bit later on, they state that a gallery needs to have been in existence for two years and do at least five shows per year.

A) Does it say which person has to cough up the cash in order to promote, market, finance and assure the exhibition?
B) Does it say anything about what type of art should be exhibited?
C) Does it say anything about no food allowed?

Didn't think so. But then the thing that I found very interesting was in looking through Gerhard Richter's CV/Bio that his first exhibitions was in a "Rented storefront." I'm certain that M. Lanctot would be shocked to discover that Gerhard Richter, gasp, paid good cash money out of his own pocket in order to exhibit his art, and I am further convinced that M. Lanctot would think that Herr Richter's art would not be worthy of being exhibited in a "real" art gallery because of this.

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