
Thursday, November 10, 2005

And Canwest/Global dances to a different drummer


While the rest of the Toronto art critics are besides themselves about Vito Acconci coming to town, Julia Dault decides to write about some historically significant stuff. Apparently there is an exhibition of photographs by Andre Kertesz at the Corkin Shopland Gallery. The two things I find bizarre are a) in the gallery's blurb about the exhibit, they say "As Kertész made many trips to Toronto from 1972 – 1985 for exhibitions at Jane Corkin Gallery, there will also be photographs of Toronto." While Ms. Dault ignores this. And b) why she chose to make it sound like she spoke to Mr. Kertész, when he died in 1985; "It's important to think, but it's even better to look," he once said. After a long pause, he added "It's even better to look without thinking." I'd love to know how she knew it was a "long pause."

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