
Friday, August 19, 2005

Zoe Keating Live at Zeke's - Part Two


The performance continued after I broke things up so that the files didn't get too large, apologies for doing so, but i figured that it would be better than potentially losing everything. Click here if you'd like to hear part two. [28:08 minutes, 25.7 MB]

The songs Ms. Keating performed were:
1. Improvisation 2
2. Whistler in the Wind
3. Tetrishead

If you'd like to see some more photos, try these:

Zoe Keating picture 4, taken before the show.

Zoe Keating picture 5

Zoe Keating picture 6

And once again, some wonderfulness from the Artist-in-Residence.

Zoe Keating #2 by James Culleton, drawn in the dark.

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