
Thursday, July 14, 2005

Getting rid of the backlog (again) The Radio Canada version


In comparison try this:
Annie Baillargeon on Porte Ouverte, June 7.
Alain Lacoursière on Porte Ouverte, June 8.
Nathalie De Blois on Porte Ouverte, June 9.
Nicolas Mavrikakis talking about Venice, June 9.
Gérard Dubois on Porte Ouverte, June 15.
Léon Bouchard on Porte Ouverte, June 22.
A whole show on visual arts on June 24.

OK, I wouldn't listen to Mr. Mavrikakis if you paid me. But, notice, that is one radio show, not the entire network. And it is all available on the internet. Raymond Cloutier rocks my world. If when they come back in September they could start doing podcasts, I'd be in seventh heaven.

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