
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Veronica Vincent rocks my world!


Before we start what is likely to turn into a wicked cool train wreck, I'd like to direct your attention to two things. First: Zeke's Gallery takes immense pleasure in letting you know that we now have an official fundraiser, cool, eh? Second: her name is Veronica Vincent, and the first order of business is the first annual last ever Membership Drive. We'll be tracking you down in the coming weeks wherever you might be and patiently explaining why you need to become a member. If you would like to be proactive, and get in on the bargain of the century, click on this, and you can get the Early Adapter Zeke's Gallery Membership. Fill in whatever amount you like, and assuming that you trust the gallery, and me, we can work out the details later. Thanks Tons!!

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