Manon Blanchette comes through with flying colors
In today's La Presse, yet another interview with the unstoppable Marc Mayer; 942 words versus 1,156 for the one he did with Le Devoir, last Monday. Not much new or different, slight change in the tone, due to the nature of the changing readership (I still stand by my idea, that Ms. Blanchette (Head Honcho of Communications at the museum) should work on getting Mr. Mayer into the Journal de Montreal). The only thing that I see that could conceivably be called a scoop is "Marc Mayer en prépare une si grande [retrospective] qu'elle occupera « tout le musée » en 2008. Bon joueur, il se réserve de dévoiler le nom, disant tout au plus que « c'est un artiste, une artiste, qui peut investir le musée de façon importante et merveilleuse »." [Blokespeak translation: Marc Mayer is preparing a very large retrospective, which will use "the entire museum" in 2008. Keeping his cards close to his chest, he prefers not to divulge the name, other than to say "it's an artist who can invest in the museum [ed note: I'm not certain I get that nuance, either] in an important and marvelous manner."] In the past I've made up lists of artists who haven't shown at the museum, if you have any ideas on who it might be, let me know. I might just start a betting line.
In today's La Presse, yet another interview with the unstoppable Marc Mayer; 942 words versus 1,156 for the one he did with Le Devoir, last Monday. Not much new or different, slight change in the tone, due to the nature of the changing readership (I still stand by my idea, that Ms. Blanchette (Head Honcho of Communications at the museum) should work on getting Mr. Mayer into the Journal de Montreal). The only thing that I see that could conceivably be called a scoop is "Marc Mayer en prépare une si grande [retrospective] qu'elle occupera « tout le musée » en 2008. Bon joueur, il se réserve de dévoiler le nom, disant tout au plus que « c'est un artiste, une artiste, qui peut investir le musée de façon importante et merveilleuse »." [Blokespeak translation: Marc Mayer is preparing a very large retrospective, which will use "the entire museum" in 2008. Keeping his cards close to his chest, he prefers not to divulge the name, other than to say "it's an artist who can invest in the museum [ed note: I'm not certain I get that nuance, either] in an important and marvelous manner."] In the past I've made up lists of artists who haven't shown at the museum, if you have any ideas on who it might be, let me know. I might just start a betting line.
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