
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Anna L. Conti raises the bar


I for one, am a big fan of long interviews with artists and people in the arts field being published on the internet. If memory serves it was while reading one of Ms. Conti's earlier interviews that made me realize that I could do it too. But, jeez! She's now gone and taken that concept and done it one better. How am I gonna keep up? yesterday's entry on her web journal is a conversation she had with Sandra Yagi while the two of them were looking at the art of Forest Williams. Ms. Conti calls it her "first attempt at an "artists looking at art" piece" and while I understand the tedium and difficulties in transcribing any recording, I can only keep my fingers crossed and wait patiently for the second, and the third, and the fourth and the... In case anybody is unclear as to how I feel about it, it is fabulous and wonderful and highly recommended reading.

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