
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Interesting Juxtaposition


Discovered this little tidbit, which made perfect sense to me about why Contemporary Canadian Visual Art is so far down the international ladder that you need binoculars to see it.

There's this thing I just discovered called db artmag. It looks like a very nice little internet art mag, something that could take days to read fully, and then by that time you'd be hopelessly out of date, 'cuz they update it every gosh darn day! The best thing about it is it is run by this firm called Deutsche Bank. A nice little German company with total assets (as reported in their 2003 annual report) of € 148,227,000,000 Euros. Judging by the magazine, I would hazard a guess that promoting Contemporary German Visual Art is something sorta important to them.

For comparison purposes, The RBC Financial group is the Canadian bank that has decided that they are going to promote Contemporary Canadian Visual Art. They have this very nice competition that they run every year, the competition gets headlines in Canadian Art Magazine, and that seems to be it. The RBC Financial Group has assets of $412,519,000,000 Canadian Dollars (using their 2003 annual report). Or roughly twice what Deutsche Bank has.

It would be nice if they spent at least as much as the Deutsche Bank promoting Canadian Art, dontcha think?

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