
Thursday, February 24, 2005

The New York Times effect


Robin Pogrebin writes a nice article about Gregory Colbert's Ashes and Snow exhibit, that I mentioned yesterday (scroll down). While full and complete props are still due to Peter Goddard at the Toronto Star for being first, now that the New York Times has picked up on it, I would expect that the CBC, CanWest Global, and Bell GlobeMedia to follow.

And, as an aside, in linking to these "National" news organizations, I'd also add in Quebecor and Radio-Canada, which would give a total of five, which for a country of about 30 million, ain't so bad. The Torstar organization and La Presse are more of a regional type of news organization (I'd imagine that there's one in or around BC, too, but they're too far away for me to follow that closely - I'd much prefer to read Le Monde).

While I'm no big fan of Big Media, for comparison purposes, can you discover, name, find or otherwise identify thirty American National News Media Organizations? (Did I miss any?)

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