
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

More on "Cultural Cities"


In today's Washington Post [reg required, etc.] there is an article about White River Junction, Vermont becoming the next cultural city. It seems like every gosh darn mayor in North America wants to turn their burg into some sort of magnet for creative types.

I've discussed some of the details of Mayor Tremblay's plans for Montreal here, and I've also discussed some of the problems with his plan, here.

Since it appear that the plan for White River Junction is to get behind the new Center for Cartoon Studies, I figure that it can't be all bad. I haven't read the Proposal for a policy of cultural development for the Town of White River Junction, I'm not even certain that there exists such a thing - but if there was I'm fairly certain that it would be a little bit more involved in the nuts and bolts than the Proposal for a policy of cultural development for the City of Montreal's.

In the meantime, since Montreal itself seems to be a kind of hotbed for Comic art it'll be interesting to see if anybody from here decides to go down there, or if somebody decides that something similar should be offered here, in French.

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