
Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Bernard Lamarche on Thomas Kneubühler


Does anybody out there have any kick-ass suggestions about getting me organized? I've got 37 things here waiting to be blogged. Some like this article that have been hanging around for almost three weeks.

Bernard Lamarche wote 763 words about Mr. Kneubühler's exhibit at Skol. One one hand I quite like the fact that M. Lamarche spends almost 40% rehashing his thrashing of Mr. Kneubühler from 2002, nothing like a good Mea Culpa from a reviewer every now and again to make you realize that the words they write are not handed down from god.

On the other hand, reducing a review to 458 words ain't good. And, the compliments are a tad backhanded. "La nouvelle série de Kneubühler, plus intéressante à tous les points de vue..." [my translation: The new series by Kneubühler is more interesting [than the previous one I was talking about] from all sides..." And "...Kneubühler démontre qu'il précise son approche de ce monde du travail qui l'intéresse. C'est de bon augure." [Kneubühler shows a precision in his work that is interesting. This augurs well for the future.]

There's something about that word "interesting" which makes me feel that M. Lamarche wouldn't quite think of taking a bullet for Mr. Kneubühler's work.

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