
Sunday, August 01, 2004

Nicolas Mavrikakis on Rober Racine


It appears that Voir is shrinking the space that they give to Visual Arts. I don't know if this is due to lack of ads, or lack of power on M. Mavrikakis' part or something else, but this is the second week in a row where it hasn't even made 500 words. In fact this week's review clocks in at a cool 408 words. There is no name dropping this week (phew!) But M. Mavrikakis can't help referring to a previous exhibit by M. Racine (in 2002) like it was yesterday.

Les 87 dessins de vautours, installés pour former le motif d'un oiseau aux ailes déployées, ont été mieux sélectionnés et bien mieux présentés que la dernière fois, en 2002, lorsque Racine dévoilait pour la première fois sa démarche de dessinateur.

[the computer translates] The 87 drawings of vultures, installed to form the reason for a bird to the spread wings, were selected better and presented well better than the last time, in 2002, when Racine revealed for the first time its step of draughtsman.
M. Mavrikakis ends up filling what little space he is alotted by mentioning the upcoming moves by the various galleries now in 460 Sainte Catherine West, and promoting the "new" SDMM website.

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