
Saturday, August 21, 2004

Bernard Lamarche on Patrick Coutu


M. Lamarche writes 701 words on the latest and greatest exhibit to grace Rene Blouin's gallery. By way of introduction, he uses the first paragraph to describe the invitation to the exhibit. Not as bizarre as it sounds, if you are familiar with M. Blouin, which most of Le Devoir's readers will be. Bizarre as all get out, if you're not. He then goes on to describe and analyze the pieces in the exhibit, no surprises there.

I obviously gotta go and get myself a better French dictionary, because he uses words like "tiges," "squelette éventré," "friables," "figés," which just ended up making me stop, blink twice, and go "hmmm."

From the words that I did understand, he did make the exhibit sound interesting, and as Michel Hellman mentioned at the begining of the month, M. Blouin "has a really good eye."

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