
Sunday, April 18, 2004

What the local's are writing about this week.


Today in no particular order!

Henry Lehman writes 672 words on the �Learning from Ruscha and Venturi, Scott Brown 1962-1977" at the Canadian Centre for Architecture. Given the amount of space allotted to Mr. Lehman, he focuses mostly on two things in the show, both of them by Ed Ruscha, who he calls "the star of the show." He gives a cursory historical background to the three artists, that he cribbed from the walls text. The thing that I found most interesting is towards the bottom he waxes eloquently (or in non-art speak writes really well about) one book by Ruscha that is a collage of photographs that he writes "Documented in continuous sequence is every building lining the Hollywood part of Sunset Blvd." That in fact is called "Every Building on the Sunset Strip" and was done in 1966 - sorta like this drawing of Manhattan, but different.

In this week's Hour, Isa Tousignant spends 309 words talking about the current exhibit at Articule, a) which if you're interested in what I think, I wrote about here, and b) has since changed since both she and I saw it, as I have learned that they have removed Duncan MacKenzie's photographs. I don't think I felt "disjointed" when I saw the Christian Kuras stuff, but then again, everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I particularly like that she blows off and disses MacKenzie, there is not enough of that happening in the Montr�al art press. However, I still disagree with her, but it might have to do with the fact that I got to see the photographs, before they started turning into the art equivalent of champagne. Most telling about the review, though, is that as of Sunday, it had not garnered any comments on the Hour site. Now I do not know if this is due to the lousy nature of what they are raffling off this week (although I imagine it might have something to do with it) or if it is solely because nobody but myself reads what Ms. Tousignant writes, on- or off-line.

Over to at the Mirror, Pierre Karl paid Chritine Redfern something ridiculous like 28 cents a word for her blurb about what's up at Oboro. Short, sweet and to the point (after all what can you really say in 185 words?). My difficulty with the Mirror is that it becomes apparent that either one of their editors is going out with a film student at UQAM, or in fact is a film student at UQAM. Last week, they promoted the Derapage 5 video screening, this week they give it another 43 words. And I'm not certain how a book fair qualifies as art in their artistat, do you?

Swinging over to the folk who don't care much about Visual Art, try as I might Montr�al Campus did not appear to have anything, Quartier Libre, similarly doesn't give a hoot. And I might drop Le Plateau from my weekly scanning, as they haven't done diddly, since I don't know when. But this can and does lead us into the heavy hitters. But, before that, let me mention my one snide comment: The Link must be blind

Lio Kiefer writes 732 words about the current exhibit at the Galerie des M�tiers d'art du Qu�bec. And surprise of surprises it is all available on line! I don't know what the editors have been drinking over on Bleury street, but I would strongly recommend that they keep imbibing. The Gazette has recently changed their on-line format, and like the majority of local dailies including Le Devoir, have decided that the stuff they publish needs to be paid for, so if you're a subscriber, they will give you an opportunity to read the paper in a variety of formats. Or in a slightly less long sentence, they're gonna be charging to read their stuff on-line. Yuck. But back to the article, Mr or Mrs Kiefer does the obligatory mention of what I hope is everybody who has something in the show, I would have preferred if they (how's that for getting around the sex of the writer>) hadn't spent almost 300 words trying to give some sort of introduction to the show, but they write effectively enough that I'm going to truck down myself, which should be the point of the article, right?

While at the same paper Michel Hellman writes something about the �liane Excoffier show at Sylviane Poirier, unfortunately I can't read about it on-line. Nor can I read his blurb about Les Femmeuses, pity.

La Presse hasn't put up Jerome Delgado's article about what's happening at Graff, nor his reviews of the Alexandra Ranner exhibit at Dare-Dare, or the Brian Jungen exhibit at Quartier Ephemere. Silly them. However, they did decide that Aleksi K. Lepage's review of the comic show at the Bibliotheque Nationale was worth the electrons. Given that the Bibliotheque Nationale is featuring stuff from 100 year old copies of La Presse this is to be expected. If I had 100 years worth of history here at the gallery and somebody else decided to exhibit it, I'd be shouting about from the rooftops! It gives a nice historical overview (in this case entirely appropriate) and a small (but again appropriate) interview with Mira Falardeau, who curated the show.

Over at the McGill Daily, we finally run into a university newspaper that thinks that visual arts is worth covering. And serious props to Velina Manolova for finding something obscure. Although as it is a university publication, the subhead is a little over the top: "Montreal photographer displays nude exhibit at MAA Sports Club." But what are you gonna get? Naked sells.

They then go completely above and beyond the call of duty with a second article about "Mystery Me*t" by Concordia Interdisciplinary Art Studies students, I like it very much.

And now 'cuz I'm running out of steam, I'll deal with Rad-Can's stuff and what's in Voir tomorrow, ok?

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