
Thursday, March 18, 2004

Kibbles and bits (or should that be bits and pieces?)


A whole whack of things today. So let's jump right in to the deep end:

Today's reading included the following articles:

CBC Arts News: Gallery turns funding snub into Room for Rant
The Globe & Mail: Westons to donate up to $25-million to ROM
Le Devoir: La culture dans l'encre rouge
La Presse: La Culture croule sous les dettes

Hmmm, a gallery in Halifax (which by the way is a kick-ass gallery!) can't get funding so turns around and does something about it. A museum in Toronto snags $25 million dollars, and the Qu�bec government says that there have been cost over runs in the construction of the bibliotheque nationale so they float an idea about reducing the funding for other art stuff.

Who gets it? And who doesn't? Personally what I want to know is does the 1% for art get increased due to the budget over runs? If it doesn't, then what's to prevent other public developers in the future to artificially reduce the budget for their projects so as to shaft the artists?

And toss on the fact that the Cinematheque Qu�becoise gets a whopping $250K from the mandarins in Qu�bec City and Place D'Armes and so as a consequence are closing down for the summer to figure out how to save the place. My suggestion, invite Lise Bisonette out for a swanky dinner, and ask her (politely, of course) if they can't do something like a merger or marriage, or as this is Qu�bec a civil union. You know as well as I do, that in 5 years, the bibnat is gonna need more space, why not plan for the future, now? The Cinematheque is a very nice space and if something isn't done, will be empty in the near future.

Then, for the next drive-by, can I bring your attention to a blog? Thanks. Humbug which normally writes in limerick form about baseball has gone over and above the call of duty. Score Bard (yes, that's the name of the person who writes it) has written a 6-part entry about how he might attempt to statistically analyze art so as to be able to tell what artists are like Barry and which ones are like Bud Harrelson. I've read it twice, and am still formulating a response to it (it is dense, but quite tasty, sorta like your favorite Cheese Cake, or Chocolate Torte). Once I get my letters all lined up, I'll let you know.

And then lastly, in an attempt to do the Zeke's Gallery Hustle just a little bit harder and faster, can I bring your attention to the swanky new yellow box on the right? I've decided to take the plunge and let the computers at Yahoo handle all the messy underside of getting information about what's happening here out to folk. So I have (as you might have already noticed) stopped sending out newsletters (mass mailings, those funky "little" things with horrific French translation). But I am (to use the geek term) "porting" it over to the kind folk at Yahoo.

If you would like to get the newsletter (still gonna have the horrific French translations) type in your email address in the box, and then click on the big purple button. If you don't want to get it, don't do that. As for specifics, A) it will come out most Thursdays. B) I'm the only one who is going to be writing and sending it (so you won't get stuff from other folk because of me). If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, ok?

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